Mobile application for PPF Life Insurance company's employees

PPF Group consists of 80 agencies working in Russia,
and over 4000 financial consultants. The application was created
for internal use by employees. In the app, they are able
to maintain a database of clients and calculate
the cost of an insurance policy in a few taps.
In this project we did:

Clear and simple
An easy interface for insurance programs viewing
is convenient for all the employees.
The main task of the project was to develop
a user-friendly interface. The application enables employees
to be mobile, and to get easy access to the
clients’ database, goods, and services in one tap.
When creating the app, above all, we targeted the needs of users —
insurance agents. The speed of the app functionality was
crucial, as well as the simplicity of the interface. We believe we
did a great job.
Optimization of routine
It’s enough to just enter data into the app to calculate
a payment schedule and display monthly fees along with other useful

The PPF life insurance company thanks e-legion for the accomplished work. We want to especially emphasize efficient communication management which enables us to provide full control over the process from all sides. The team showed a high level of professionalism. Work-related issues that appeared during work on the project were solved as quickly as possible taking into account the interests of our company.