Online shopping app for Wikimart

In 2013, we developed an app for customers
of the Russian’s largest marketplaces Wikimart. Now the
Windows Phone users can purchase any product without leaving
the house.
After opening the app, the user lands
on the interactive showcase with the most
interesting store offers such as trends 🔥, discounts, and sales.

Best sellers
The app menu structure has the bestselling section.
To draw attention to these items, all the banners
in this section are shown in the live tile
of the application.
The detailed product information is available
on the product card. No matter if you hunt for
a camera 📷 or a t-shirt 👚, we’ve made shopping easy for you!
The presence and accurate display of product images
directly affect sales. For a stable and convenient work with
the pictures 🖼, we have integrated the third-party Telerik