Mobile application Microsoft Tech Events

The official app of Microsoft Russia, which contains information
about events for IT-specialists and students of technical
studies. Event calendar, registration, broadcasting, and speakers'
presentations — it’s now all collected in one app.
We have created an app corresponding to both Microsoft’s
business goals and target group's interests. Our developers use
the app too 😉
In this project we did:
Needed content is at hand
The user has everything at hand to comfortably participate
in a conference: address and location map, notifications
of new calendar events that users can receive right
at the start of the event or in an alert
set up the day before, online-broadcast and links
to presentations.

Designing MS Tech Events, we applied an MVP template. It enabled
us to implement, debug, and test over 70% of business logic
before the implementation of the network layer.
e-legion is a team of highly competent professionals who have put in a great commitment to work on our project. They have found necessary sources for implementation of the app on three platforms — iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. Managers were always in touch and attentive to our demands that were associated with project feedback, as well as with Microsoft corporate policy. Our internal developers highly rated the technical quality of implementation, hence e-legion may certainly be recommended as one of the best mobile development companies.