Mobile Application Mailbox

When we began this project in 2012, over 27 million
people had already used the service. The challenge was to provide
access to all necessary e-mail functions through the Windows application.
In this project we did:
There are many convenient functions implemented within the app 🙌 For instance, users can move around folders and emails by using a pivot tool.

Everything is possible
The application notifies users of incoming emails, enables them to send photos, look and resend attached files, as well as search in emails and divide them into folders.
Contact profile
The application shows detailed information about the sender and enables
users to look through the history of messages.
Simplicity of navigation
In the app, we implemented a spam-filter that searches through the whole history of communication enabling users to quickly get rid of undesired emails. service makes it convenient to organize your work with folders including those protected with passwords.

This was our first serious project for Windows Phone which was followed by many more.
We have learned to work with large amount of data, multithreading, and
other complicated concepts 😊