App for Auchan's customers in Russia

We have developed the first mobile application for Russian buyers
of the Auchan network. It is much easier and faster
now to plan your shopping and buy needed goods. Find out the price
of each item on the shelf using self-scanning Auchan Scan,
and pay for purchases with the built-in payment system Auchan Pay.
2 000+
hours of development
50 000+
100 000+
We have developed a convenient mobile tool that allows Auchan to reduce
the number of queues and increase traffic in stores. Before the start
of the project, the client had no experience in integrating
mobile products, so the team had to find a compromise between
business wishes and users’ needs 👌
In this project we did:
The architecture based on MVVM allowed to localize of 38% of the code
in the library common for both platforms. The percentage of the total
code in the CI is 95%. The unification of business logic has helped
to increase the stability of the application and to reduce the number
of bugs. A single development team easily solves issues for both iOS
and Android using one programming language and IDE.
19 categories of goods and more than 50 000 items are available
to the user. Each product has a detailed description.
In the application, you can arrange delivery or order goods for pickup.

We are working on a complex infrastructure project — developing
Auchan Pay payment tool and other features. We cooperate with other
contractors on the part of the client. For effective communication,
we regularly hold workshops where we discuss architectural solutions together.
We save time and share knowledge.